
There are many ways to get involved. Whether it’s packing boxes for shipping or taking pictures for our social media, we’d be happy to have you join our team. Please review the volunteer positions belove and fill out the form to get started.

Types of positions

Fundraising - organizing a fundraising event at your church, school, community center, local restaurant, etc

Donation drive  - organizing a drive for supplies from our Amazon Wish List at an organization of your choice

Hospital outreach - reaching out to hospitals, producers, and distributors of medical supplies to secure donations and/or discounted rates for Ukraine Forward

Social media - content creation for our Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn 

Letters to senators - sending letters to representatives to help keep Ukraine at the top of their agenda

Letters to corporations operating in Russia - sending emails to companies that have not left Russia and still continue to operate, pay taxes, and indirectly fund the war


Event calendar - research local events and get Ukraine Forward involved as a featured nonprofit 

Event coordination - represent Ukraine Forward at events, host a table, help sell swag to raid donations

Social Engine Optimization - help move Ukraine Forward to the first page of Google Search 

Photography (filled)

Supplies packing (filled)